Wednesday, July 8, 2009

To Explain the Name.

"Living impaired" is a phrase I learned from a book named Generation Dead by Daniel Waters. A wonderful book from which I have gotten phrases, music, and an outlook form. You see, the phrase is used to describe teenagers who come back to live after death. I haven't died, but I've gone through a few hard ordeals, and I've come back at different rates, just like the living impaired, or zombies, in Waters's book(s). Another reason is going through life, I've always been a clumsy, awkward person, and I have a hard time doing what I want because I think too much to do much on impulse, so I feel as though I have a harder time going through life than a few of my easy going friends. So for these reasons, I have always felt a little living impaired, so the title just stuck. Oh, and a trad is a traditionally biotic, or someone who's never died, just so you know.

And I don't think I'm the only one, I'd love to hear that I'm not the only one who feels this way!
Loads of love, and Daniel Waters, I love your work.
Vampires and werewolfs..Pshh!
Give me a zombie any time of the day! You're a savior, I've been looking for a great zombie book for a while, so you lit up my world with your book. Can't wait to get the sequel!
Anyway, that raps it up!


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